◀ Ballier, Pacquetet & Arnold | ▲ Proceedings |
![]() ISBN: 978-2-9570549-0-9 e-ISBN: 978-2-9570549-1-6 ![]() ![]() | Vocalic and Consonantal Grapheme Classification through Spectral
Decomposition Patricia Thaine & Gerald Penn ![]() ![]() Abstract. We consider two related problems in this paper. Given an undeciphered alphabetic writing system or mono-alphabetic cipher, determine: (1) which of its letters correspond to vowels and which to consonants; and (2) whether the writing system is a vocalic alphabet or an abjad. We are able to show that a very simple spectral decomposition based on character co-occurrences provides nearly perfect performance with respect to answering both question types. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36824/2018-graf-thai
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