ISBN: 978-2-9570549-0-9 e-ISBN: 978-2-9570549-1-6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36824/2018-graf
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 | Graphemics in the 21st Century
/gʁafematik/ Brest, June 13–15, 2018 Proceedings, 2019
Yannis Haralambous (Ed.)
Florian Coulmas „Die Buchstabenschrift ist an und für sich die intelligentere.“ Überlegungen zur Bewertung von Schriftsystemen [“Alphabetic writing is in and for itself the more intelligent Form''. Reflections on the evaluation of writing systems]
Marc Wilhelm Küster Open and Closed Writing Systems. Some Reflections
Martin Evertz The History of the Graphematic Foot in English and German
Yannis Haralambous & Joseph Dichy Graphemic Methods for Gender-Neutral Writing
Wang Yifan What Are We Calling “Latin Script”? Name and Reality in the Grammatological Terminology
Sveva Elti di Rodeano Digraphia: the Story of a Sociolinguistic Term
Yannis Haralambous & Martin Dürst Unicode from a Linguistic Point of View
Christa Dürscheid & Dimitrios Meletis Emojis: A Grapholinguistic Approach
Keisuke Honda What Do Kanji Graphs Represent in the Current Japanese Writing system? Towards a Unified Model of Kanji as Written Signs
Tereza Slaměníková On the Nature of Unmotivated Components in Modern Chinese Characters
Cornelia Schindelin The Li-Variation (隶变/隸變) lìbiàn. When the Ancient Chinese Writing Changed to Modern Chinese Script
Kamal Mansour On the Origin of Arabic Script
Joseph Dichy On the Writing System of Arabic: The Semiographic Principle as Reflected in Nasḫī Letter Shapes
Ray Stegeman Orthographies in Papua New Guinea through the Years
David Roberts, Dana Basnight-Brown & Valentin Vydrin Marking Tone with Punctuation: Orthography Experimentation and Reform in Eastern Dan (Côte d'Ivoire)
Kavya Manohar & Santhosh Thottingal Malayalam Orthographic Reforms. Impact on Language and Popular Culture
Nicolas Ballier, Erin Pacquetet & Taylor Arnold Investigating Keylogs as Time-Stamped Graphemics
Patricia Thaine & Gerald Penn Vocalic and Consonantal Grapheme Classification through Spectral Decomposition |