ISSN: 2534-5192 (electronic) – 2681-8566 (print)

ISBN: 978-2-487055-06-3
e-ISBN: 978-2-487055-07-0


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Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century
/gʁafematik/ June 8-10, 2022
Proceedings, 2022, Part II

Yannis Haralambous (Ed.)

Global Index with hyperlinks to PDF files

Michal Shomer
Introducing Multi-Gender Hebrew

Arvind Iyengar
The akshara as a graphematic unit

Rachel Garton, Merrion Dale, L. Somi Roy & Prafulla Basumatary
Endangered Languages in the Digital Public Sphere. A case study of the writing systems of Boro and Manipuri

Gordon Berthin
Qualitative and Quantitative Validation of Rongorongo Glyph Strings on Easter Island Artefacts

Tomi S. Melka & Robert M. Schoch
The Intersection between Art, Non-Linguistic Symbol Systems, and Writing. The Case of the Wari, Tiwanaku, and Inka Iconographies

Zofia Janina Borysiewicz
Life of Chaim

Kamal Mansour
The Sorcerer's Brew. The unexpected Results of Typographic Innovation

Marc Wilhelm Küster
Fantastic Letters—Writing in a Fictional World

Helen Magowan
De-aestheticizing the Artist's Brush. Calligraphy Manuals and the Pragmatics of Calligraphic Writing

Pierre Magistry & Yoann Goudin[0000-0002-0522-8261]
Semanticity in the Chinese Graphic System. Modeling and Assessing its consistency

Elvin Meng
Zheng Qiao's Grammatology

Cornelia Schindelin
The Chinese Script as a Self-Regulating System. Applying Köhler's Basic Model of Synergetic Linguistics to Simplified Chinese Characters

Hana Jee, Monica Tamariz & Richard Shillcock
Does Korean grapho-phonemic systematicity enhance spontaneous learning?

Adrien Contesse, Morgane Rébulard, Chloé Thomas, Claudia S. Bianchini, Claire Danet, Léa Chevrefils, Patrick Doan
Concevoir une fonte pour la transcription des mouth actions en langue des signes. Le système typographique Typannot