◀ H. Giunashvili | ▲ Proceedings | P. Kelly ▶ |
![]() ISBN: 978-2-9570549-7-8 e-ISBN: 978-2-9570549-9-2 ![]() ![]() | On the Typology of Writing Systems Liudmila L. Fedorova ![]() ![]() Abstract. The paper aims to propose a scheme for classification of writing systems, based on four binary characteristics of spelling: linear vs. non-linear spelling, integral vs. segmental one, complete vs. reduced, simple vs. differentiated spelling. The main attention is given to the non-linear emblematic writing, namely to Aztec script, which shows the examples of linguistic emblems—the first readable writing signs for place names and proper names. Further development of writing explores the techniques of segmentation and differentiation that contribute to the refinement of spelling, yet they go along with a trend to reduced and integrated forms, so we have today the coexistence of emblems-emoticons, Chinese characters and highly differentiated alphabets. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36824/2020-graf-fedo
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@INPROCEEDINGS{gla5-fedo, AUTHOR = {Liudmila L. Fedorova}, EDITOR = {Haralambous, Yannis}, TITLE = {{On the Typology of Writing Systems}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, 2020}}, SERIES = {{Grapholinguistics and Its Applications}}, VOLUME = {5}, PUBLISHER = {Fluxus Editions}, ADDRESS = {Brest}, YEAR = {2020}, PAGES = {805--824}, DOI = {https://doi.org/10.36824/2020-graf-fedo}, } |