ISBN: 9782957054961 e-ISBN: 9782957054985
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| Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century
/gʁafematik/ June 17–19, 2020 Proceedings, 2020, Part I
Yannis Haralambous (Ed.)
Global Index with hyperlinks to PDF files
Martin Neef The Written Utterance as a Core Concept in Grapholinguistics
Martin Evertz-Rittich What Is a Written Word? And if So, How Many?
Sven Osterkamp & Gordian Schreiber Challenging the Dichotomy Between Phonography and Morphography: Transitions and Gray Areas
Stefano Presutti The Interdependence Between Speech and Writing. Towards a Greater Awareness
Amalia E. Gnanadesikan S1: The Native Script Effect
Dimitrios Meletis On Being a Grapholinguist
Corinna Salomon Comparative Perspectives on the Study of Script Transfer, and the Origin of the Runic Script
Daniel Harbour Grammar Drives Writing System Evolution. Lessons From the Birth of Vowels
Sveva Elti di Rodeano Scripts in Contact: Transmission of the First Alphabets
Dalma Véry Mutable Imagination: Typography and Textual Space in Print and Digital Layouts
Yannis Haralambous, Frédéric Landragin & Kenichi Handa Graphemic and Graphetic Methods in Speculative Fiction
Irmi Wachendorff Typographetics of Urban Spaces. The Indication of Discourse Types and Genres Through Letterforms and Their Materiality in Multilingual Urban Spaces
Olga Kulish Between the Words. Emotional Punctuation in the Digital Age Communication
Johannes Bergerhausen & Thomas Huot-Marchand The Missing Scripts Project
Morgane Pierson Beyond the Semantic. Typographic Representation of Ancient Monetary Inscriptions
Yishai Neuman Sociocultural Motivation for Spelling Variation in Modern Hebrew
Christa Dürscheid Emojis Are Everywhere. How Emojis Conquer New Contexts
Tomi S. Melka & Robert M. Schoch A Case in Point: Communication With Unknown Intelligence/s
Christine Kettaneh Mute Melodies