◀ P. Kelly | ▲ Proceedings | H. Jee, M. Tamariz & R. Shillcock ▶ |
![]() ISBN: 978-2-9570549-7-8 e-ISBN: 978-2-9570549-9-2 ![]() ![]() | A “Sacred Amulet from Easter Island—1885/6—”. Analyzing Enigmatic Glyphic Characters in the Context of the rongorongo Script Robert M. Schoch & Tomi S. Melka ![]() Abstract. A newly discovered artifact known as the “Sacred Amulet from Easter Island” (“EISA”) displaying a limited number of rongorongo-like signs is brought to the attention of rongorongo (RR) scholars and other interested readers. Unfortunately, the names of the original Rapanui creator of the artifact, and its first European collector, have not come down to us; however, according to an old label attached to the object, it was collected in 1885 or 1886. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36824/2020-graf-scho
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(Published to accompany the exhibition Pacific Encounters: Art \& Divinity in Polynesia 1760--1860, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 21 May--13 August 2006)}, PUBLISHER = {The British Museum Press}, ADDRESS = {London}, YEAR = {2006}, } @ARTICLE{horley2007a, AUTHOR = {Horley, Paul}, TITLE = {Structural Analysis of mph{Rongorongo} Inscriptions}, JOURNAL = {Rapa Nui Journal}, YEAR = {2007}, VOLUME = {21}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {25--32}, } @ARTICLE{horley2010a, AUTHOR = {Horley, Paul}, TITLE = {mph{Rongorongo} Tablet Keiti}, JOURNAL = {Rapa Nui Journal}, YEAR = {2010}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {45--56}, } @ARTICLE{horley2011a, AUTHOR = {Horley, Paul}, TITLE = {Lunar Calendar in mph{Rongorongo} Texts and Rock Art of Easter Island}, JOURNAL = {Journal de la Société des Océanistes}, YEAR = {2011}, VOLUME = {132}, PAGES = {17--38}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{horley2018a, AUTHOR = {Horley, Paul and Davletshin, Albert and Wieczorek, Rafał M.}, EDITOR = {Zuzanna Jakubowska-Vorbrich}, TITLE = {How Many Scripts were there on Easter Island?}, BOOKTITLE = {The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters: Misconceptions about Easter Island in the Light of 21st Century Science}, PUBLISHER = {Museum of the History of the Polish Popular Movement and Institute of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies, University of Warsaw}, ADDRESS = {Warsaw}, YEAR = {2018}, PAGES = {323--468}, } @ARTICLE{horley2012a, AUTHOR = {Horley, Paul and Lee, Georgia}, TITLE = {Easter Island's Birdman Stones in the Collection of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology}, JOURNAL = {Rapa Nui Journal}, YEAR = {2012}, VOLUME = {26}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {5--20}, } @ARTICLE{hough1889a, AUTHOR = {Hough, Walter}, TITLE = {Notes on the Archeology and Ethnology of Easter Island}, JOURNAL = {The American Naturalist}, YEAR = {1889}, VOLUME = {23}, NUMBER = {10}, PAGES = {877--888}, } @ARTICLE{houston2004b, AUTHOR = {Houston, Stephen D.}, TITLE = {The Archaeology of Communication Technologies}, JOURNAL = {Annual Review of Anthropology}, YEAR = {2004}, VOLUME = {33}, PAGES = {223--250}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{houston2004a, AUTHOR = {Houston, Stephen D.}, EDITOR = {Houston, Stephen D.}, TITLE = {Writing in Early Mesoamerica}, BOOKTITLE = {The First Writing: Script Invention as History and Process}, PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, ADDRESS = {Cambridge, UK}, YEAR = {2004}, PAGES = {274--309}, } @BOOK{hunston2002a, AUTHOR = {Hunston, Susanne}, TITLE = {Corpora in Applied Linguistics}, PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, ADDRESS = {Cambridge, UK}, YEAR = {2002}, } @ARTICLE{hyman2006a, AUTHOR = {Hyman, Malcolm D.}, TITLE = {Of Glyphs and Glottography}, JOURNAL = {Language \& Communication}, YEAR = {2006}, VOLUME = {26}, NUMBER = {3--4}, PAGES = {231--249}, } @ARTICLE{imbelloni1951a, AUTHOR = {Imbelloni, José}, TITLE = {Las `Tabletas Parlantes' de Pascua, Monumentos de un Sistema Gráfico Indo-oceánico [The `Talking Tablets' of Easter Island, Monuments of an Indo-Oceanic Graphic System]}, JOURNAL = {Runa, Archivo para las Ciencias del Hombre (Buenos Aires)}, YEAR = {1951}, VOLUME = {4}, NUMBER = {1--2}, PAGES = {89--177}, } @BOOK{jannot2005a, AUTHOR = {Jannot, Jean-René}, TRANSLATOR = {Whitehead, Dane K.}, TITLE = {Religion in Ancient Etruria}, SERIES = {Wisconsin Studies in Classics}, PUBLISHER = {University of Wisconsin Press}, ADDRESS = {Madison, Wisconsin}, YEAR = {2005}, } @BOOK{jaussen1893a, AUTHOR = {Jaussen, Florentine É.}, EDITOR = {Alazard, Rev. P.~Ildefonse}, TITLE = {L'Île de Pâques. Historique, écriture et répertoire des signes des tablettes ou bois d'hibiscus intelligents}, PUBLISHER = {Ernest Leraux}, ADDRESS = {Paris}, YEAR = {1893}, } @BOOK{jones1856a, AUTHOR = {Jones, Owen}, TITLE = {The Grammar of Ornament: Illustrated by Examples from Various Styles of Ornament}, PUBLISHER = {Day and Son}, ADDRESS = {London}, YEAR = {1856}, } @BOOK{jurafsky2018a, AUTHOR = {Jurafsky, Daniel and Martin, James H.}, TITLE = {Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition}, EDITION = {3}, YEAR = {2018}, URL = {https://web.stanford.edu/~jurafsky/slp3/ed3 book.pdf}, } @ARTICLE{kaeppler2003a, AUTHOR = {Kaeppler, Adrienne L.}, TITLE = {Sculptures of Barkcloth and Wood from Rapa Nui: Symbolic Continuities and Polynesian Affinities}, JOURNAL = {RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics}, YEAR = {2003}, VOLUME = {44}, PAGES = {10--69}, } @BOOK{kjellgren, EDITOR = {Kjellgren, Erik}, TITLE = {Splendid Isolation: Art of Easter Island}, PUBLISHER = {The Metropolitan Museum of Art/Yale University Press}, ADDRESS = {New York/New Haven-London}, YEAR = {2001}, NOTE = {With contributions by J. A. Van Tilburg and A. L. Kaeppler}, } @ARTICLE{knoche1914a, AUTHOR = {Knoche, Walter}, TITLE = {Cráneos Marcados de la Isla de Pascua [Incised crania from Easter Island]}, JOURNAL = {Revista Chilena de Historia y Geografía (Santiago)}, YEAR = {1914}, VOLUME = {12}, NUMBER = {16}, PAGES = {344--346}, } @ARTICLE{koehler2007a, AUTHOR = {Köhler, Reinhard and Rapp, Reinhard}, TITLE = {A Psycholinguistic Application of Synergetic Linguistics.}, JOURNAL = {Glottometrics}, YEAR = {2007}, VOLUME = {15}, PAGES = {62--70}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{kotansky2019a, AUTHOR = {Kotansky, Roy D.}, EDITOR = {Frankfurter, David}, TITLE = {Textual Amulets and Writing Traditions in the Ancient World}, BOOKTITLE = {Guide to the Study of Ancient Magic}, PUBLISHER = {Koninklijke Brill NV}, ADDRESS = {Leiden / Boston}, YEAR = {2019}, PAGES = {507--554}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{kraemer2003a, AUTHOR = {Krämer, Sybille}, EDITOR = {Krämer, Sybille and Bredekamp, H.}, TITLE = {`Schriftbildlichkeit' oder: Über eine (fast) vergessene Dimension der Schrift}, BOOKTITLE = {Bild, Schrift, Zahl}, PUBLISHER = {Wilhelm Fink}, ADDRESS = {München}, YEAR = {2003}, PAGES = {157--176}, } @BOOK{krippendorff2004a, AUTHOR = {Krippendorff, Klaus}, TITLE = {Content Analysis: An Introduction to its Methodology}, EDITION = {2}, PUBLISHER = {Sage Publications}, ADDRESS = {Thousand Oaks, California}, YEAR = {2004}, } @ARTICLE{krupa1971a, AUTHOR = {Krupa, Viktor}, TITLE = {`Moon' in the writing of Easter Island}, JOURNAL = {Oceanic Linguistics}, YEAR = {1971}, VOLUME = {10}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1--10}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{kudrjavtsev1949a, AUTHOR = {Kudrjavtsev, Boris G.}, AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {Кудрявцев, Борис Г.}, TITLE = {Письменность острова Пасхи [Scripts of Easter Island]}, BOOKTITLE = {Сборник музея антропологии и этнографии [Collection of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography]}, YEAR = {1949}, VOLUME = {11}, PAGES = {175--221}, } @ARTICLE{ny2004a, AUTHOR = {Le Ny, Jean-François and Cordier, Françoise}, TITLE = {Contribution of Word Meaning and Components of Familiarity to Lexical Decision: A Study with Pseudowords Constructed from Words with Known or Unknown Meaning}, JOURNAL = {Current Psychology Letters}, YEAR = {2004}, VOLUME = {12}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1--10}, } @ARTICLE{lee1999a, AUTHOR = {Lee, Georgia}, TITLE = {The Nutcase Chronicles}, JOURNAL = {South American Explorer Magazine}, YEAR = {1999}, VOLUME = {55}, PAGES = {14--20}, } @ARTICLE{lehmann1907a, AUTHOR = {Lehmann, Walter}, TRANSLATOR = {{R. P. Théophané Calmes (des Sacrés Cœurs de Picpus)}}, TITLE = {Essai d'une monographie bibliographique sur l'île de Pâques}, JOURNAL = {Anthropos}, YEAR = {1907}, VOLUME = {2}, PAGES = {141--151, 257--268}, } @BOOK{leli2010a, AUTHOR = {Lelièvre, F. and Pothier, L. and Conciatori, C. and Poussart, A. and Major, E.}, TITLE = {Easter Island: An Epic Voyage}, PUBLISHER = {Pointe-à-Callière}, ADDRESS = {Montréal}, YEAR = {2010}, } @BOOK{lewis1972a, AUTHOR = {Lewis, David}, TITLE = {We, the Navigators---Ancient Art of Landfinding}, PUBLISHER = {University of Hawai`i Press}, ADDRESS = {Honolulu}, YEAR = {1972}, NOTE = {Foreword by S.~H. Riesenberg}, } @BOOK{liller1993a, AUTHOR = {Liller, William}, TITLE = {The Ancient Solar Observatories of Rapanui: The Archaeoastronomy of Easter Island (The Easter Island Series)}, PUBLISHER = {Easter Island Foundation / Cloud Mountain Press}, ADDRESS = {Woodland, California}, YEAR = {1993}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{macri1996a, AUTHOR = {Macri, Martha J.}, EDITOR = {Daniels, Peter T. and Bright, William}, TITLE = {mph{RongoRongo} of Easter Island}, BOOKTITLE = {The World's Writing Systems}, PUBLISHER = {Oxford University Press}, ADDRESS = {Oxford, NY}, YEAR = {1996}, PAGES = {183--188}, } @BOOK{magli2009a, AUTHOR = {Magli, Giulio}, TITLE = {Mysteries and Discoveries of Archaeoastronomy: From Giza to Easter Island}, PUBLISHER = {Copernicus Books / Springer Science + Business Media: in association with Praxis Pub}, ADDRESS = {New York}, YEAR = {2009}, } @BOOK{maiani1996a, EDITOR = {Maiani, Margherita and Quer, Soizic}, TRANSLATOR = {Visigalli, Egle Barone and Puaux, Olivier}, TITLE = {Voyage vers l'île mystérieuse. De la Polynésie à l'île de Pâques, 20 Avril–15 Septembre 1996. Musée d'Aquitaine, Bordeaux, Mairie de Bordeaux}, PUBLISHER = {Amilcare Pizzi Editore}, ADDRESS = {Milan}, YEAR = {1996}, } @BOOK{massarelli2014a, AUTHOR = {Massarelli, Ricardo}, TITLE = {I Testi Etruschi su Piombo [The Etruscan Texts (appearing) on Lead]}, SERIES = {Biblioteca di Studi Etruschi}, PUBLISHER = {Fabrizio Serra editore}, ADDRESS = {Pisa / Roma}, YEAR = {2014}, VOLUME = {53}, } @BOOK{maziere1968, AUTHOR = {Mazière, Francis}, TRANSLATOR = {Wm. Collins Sons}, TITLE = {Mysteries of Easter Island}, PUBLISHER = {W.~W. Norton, Company, Inc. With photographs by the author. Originally published as mph{Fantastique île de Pâques: Des yeux regardent les étoiles...}, Robert Laffont, 1965}, ADDRESS = {New York}, YEAR = {1968}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{mccall2010a, AUTHOR = {McCall, Grant}, EDITOR = {Job, Sebastian and Connor, Linda}, TITLE = {The End of the World at the End of the Earth: Retrospective Eschatology on Rapanui (Easter Island)}, BOOKTITLE = {Online Proceedings of the Symposium “Anthropology and the Ends of Worlds”}, SERIES = {Sydney Anthropology Symposium Series}, PUBLISHER = {University of Sydney}, ADDRESS = {Sydney}, YEAR = {2010}, VOLUME = {1}, PAGES = {45--53}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{mccoy1979a, AUTHOR = {McCoy, Patrick}, EDITOR = {Jennings, Jesse D.}, TITLE = {Easter Island}, BOOKTITLE = {The Prehistory of Polynesia}, PUBLISHER = {Harvard University Press}, ADDRESS = {Cambridge, MA / London, England}, YEAR = {1979}, PAGES = {135--147}, } @BOOK{mcenery2001a, AUTHOR = {McEnery, Tony and Wilson, Anthony}, TITLE = {Corpus Linguistics}, EDITION = {2}, SERIES = {Edinburgh Textbooks in Empirical Linguistics}, PUBLISHER = {Edinburgh University Press}, ADDRESS = {Edinburgh, UK}, YEAR = {2001}, } @BOOK{meinicke1875a, AUTHOR = {Meinicke, Carl Eduard}, TITLE = {Die Inseln des Stillen Oceans, eine geographische Monographie. Zweiter Theil. Polynesien und Mikronesien}, PUBLISHER = {Frohberg}, ADDRESS = {Leipzig}, YEAR = {1875}, } @UNPUBLISHED{melka2007a, AUTHOR = {Melka, Tomi S.}, TITLE = {Structural and Distributional Analysis of the mph{rongorongo} Text in Tablet `Mamari'}, YEAR = {2007}, NOTE = {Manuscript in the collection of TSM}, } @ARTICLE{melka2009a, AUTHOR = {Melka, Tomi S.}, TITLE = {The Corpus Problem in the mph{rongorongo} Studies}, JOURNAL = {Glottotheory: International Journal of Linguistics}, YEAR = {2009}, VOLUME = {2}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {111--136}, } @ARTICLE{melka2013, AUTHOR = {Melka, Tomi S.}, TITLE = {‘Harmonic'-like structures in the mph{rongorongo} script}, JOURNAL = {Glottotheory: International Journal of Linguistics}, YEAR = {2013}, VOLUME = {4}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {115--139}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{melka2014a, AUTHOR = {Melka, Tomi S.}, EDITOR = {Altmann, Gabriel and Čech, Radek and Mačutek, Ján and Uhliřová, Ludmila}, TITLE = {Palindrome-like Structures in the mph{rongorongo} Script}, BOOKTITLE = {Empirical Approaches to Text and Language Analysis, Dedicated to Luděk Hřebiček on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday}, SERIES = {Studies in Quantitative Linguistics}, PUBLISHER = {RAM-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Lüdenscheid, Germany}, YEAR = {2014}, VOLUME = {17}, PAGES = {153--181}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{melka2016a, AUTHOR = {Melka, Tomi S.}, EDITOR = {Conrich, Ian and Mückler, Hermann}, TITLE = {Distinctive Sequences in mph{rongorongo} Texts}, BOOKTITLE = {Easter Island: Cultural and Historical Perspectives}, PUBLISHER = {Frank \& Timme}, ADDRESS = {Berlin}, YEAR = {2016}, PAGES = {217--236}, } @UNPUBLISHED{melka2020a, AUTHOR = {Melka, Tomi S.}, TITLE = {A Developmental Continuum for the mph{rongorongo} Script of Easter Island. Part~I}, YEAR = {2017}, NOTE = {Manuscript in the Collection of TSM}, } @ARTICLE{melka-a, AUTHOR = {Melka, Tomi S. and Schoch, Robert M.}, TITLE = {Exploring a Mysterious Tablet from Easter Island: The Issues of Authenticity and Falsifiability in mph{rongorongo} Studies}, JOURNAL = {Cryptologia}, YEAR = {2020}, VOLUME = {44}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {481--544}, } @UNPUBLISHED{melka-b, AUTHOR = {Melka, Tomi S. and Schoch, Robert M.}, TITLE = {The Quest for Information Retrieval: An Inscribed Relic from Ancient Rapa Nui (Easter Island)}, YEAR = {2020}, NOTE = {Manuscript in the Collections of RMS and TSM}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{meller2007a, AUTHOR = {Meller, Harald}, EDITOR = {Fagan, Brian}, TITLE = {The Nebra Sky Disc: The Oldest Representation of Heavens}, BOOKTITLE = {Discovery! Unearthing the New Treasures of Archaeology}, PUBLISHER = {Thames \& Hudson}, ADDRESS = {London}, YEAR = {2007}, PAGES = {188--189}, } @BOOK{m1940a, AUTHOR = {Métraux, Alfred}, TITLE = {Ethnology of Easter Island}, SERIES = {Bishop Museum Bulletin}, PUBLISHER = {Bernice P.~Bishop Museum Press}, ADDRESS = {Honolulu}, YEAR = {1940}, VOLUME = {160}, } @BOOK{m1957a, AUTHOR = {Métraux, Alfred}, TRANSLATOR = {Michael Bullock}, TITLE = {Easter Island: A Stone-age Civilization of the Pacific}, PUBLISHER = {Oxford University Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, YEAR = {1957}, } @BOOK{michelot1979a, AUTHOR = {Michelot, Paul and Michelot, Jean-Claude}, TITLE = {L'Ile de Pâques démystifiée}, PUBLISHER = {Librairie Académique Perrin}, ADDRESS = {Paris}, YEAR = {1979}, } @BOOK{moorhouse1946a, AUTHOR = {Moorhouse, Alfred C.}, TITLE = {Writing and the Alphabet}, SERIES = {Past and Present Studies in the History of Civilisation}, PUBLISHER = {Cobbett Press}, ADDRESS = {London}, YEAR = {1946}, VOLUME = {III}, } @BOOK{mordo2002a, AUTHOR = {Mordo, Carlos}, TRANSLATOR = {Graciela Smith}, TITLE = {Easter Island}, PUBLISHER = {Firefly Books / David Bateman Ltd}, ADDRESS = {Auckland, New Zealand}, YEAR = {2002}, } @BOOK{nmnh2014a, AUTHOR = {{NMNH, Smithsonian}}, TITLE = {Gourd Vessels}, SERIES = {Department of Anthropology Collections}, PUBLISHER = {National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian}, ADDRESS = {Washington, DC}, YEAR = {2014}, NOTE = {Cat. No. E129756, E129757, E129758}, URL = {http://collections.nmnh.si.edu/search/anth/}, } @BOOK{ojeda1947, AUTHOR = {Ojeda, Carlos Charlin}, TITLE = {Geo-etimología de la ISLA de PASCUA [Geological etymology of EASTER ISLAND]}, PUBLISHER = {Instituto Geográfico Militar}, ADDRESS = {Santiago de Chile}, YEAR = {1947}, } @BOOK{orliac2008a, AUTHOR = {Orliac, Michel and Orliac, Catherine}, TITLE = {Trésors de l'île de Pâques / Treasures of Easter Island}, SERIES = {Collection de la Congrégation des Sacrés-Cœurs de Jésus et de Marie SS.~CC}, PUBLISHER = {Frédéric Dawance / Paris: Louise Leiris}, ADDRESS = {Genève}, YEAR = {2008}, } @BOOK{page2004a, AUTHOR = {Page, Sophie}, TITLE = {Magic in Medieval Manuscripts}, PUBLISHER = {University of Toronto Press}, ADDRESS = {Toronto and Buffalo}, YEAR = {2004}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{palmer1876a, AUTHOR = {Palmer, John Linton}, TITLE = {On Some Tablets Found in Easter Island}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool}, YEAR = {1876}, VOLUME = {30}, PAGES = {255--263}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{mueller1992a, AUTHOR = {Polo Müller, Regina}, EDITOR = {Vidal, Lux and Pessis, Anne-Marie and Guidon, Niéde and Ribeiro, Berta and Hussak van Velthem, Lucia and Langdon, Jean and Lopes da Silva, Aracy and Farias, Agenor T.~P. and Andrade, Lucia and others}, TITLE = {Mensagens visuais na ornamentaçāo corporal Xavante [Visual messages in the body decoration of Xavante]}, BOOKTITLE = {Grafismo Indígena: Estudos en Antropologia Estética}, PUBLISHER = {Studio Nobel / Editora da Universidade de Sāo Paulo / FAPESP}, ADDRESS = {Sāo Paulo}, YEAR = {1992}, PAGES = {133--143}, } @ARTICLE{pozdniakov1996a, AUTHOR = {Pozdniakov, Konstantin}, TITLE = {Les bases du déchiffrement de l'écriture de l'île de Pâques}, JOURNAL = {Journal de la Société des Océanistes}, YEAR = {1996}, VOLUME = {103}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {289--303}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{pulgram1976a, AUTHOR = {Pulgram, Ernst}, EDITOR = {Haas, William}, TITLE = {The Typologies of Writing Systems}, BOOKTITLE = {Writing without Letters}, SERIES = {Mont Follick Series}, PUBLISHER = {Manchester University Press / Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman \& Littlefield}, ADDRESS = {Manchester}, YEAR = {1976}, VOLUME = {4}, PAGES = {1--29}, } @BOOK{roberts2006a, AUTHOR = {Roberts, Mere and Weko, Frank and Clarke, Liliana}, TITLE = {Maramataka: The Māori Moon Calendar}, PUBLISHER = {Lincoln University}, ADDRESS = {Canterbury, NZ}, YEAR = {2006}, NOTE = {Research Report 283. Matauranga Māori and Bio Protection Research Team National Centre for Advanced Bio-Protection Technologies}, } @BOOK{robinson2002a, AUTHOR = {Robinson, Andrew}, TITLE = {Lost Languages: The Enigma of the World's Undeciphered Scripts}, PUBLISHER = {BVA / New York: McGraw-Hill}, ADDRESS = {London}, YEAR = {2002}, } @BOOK{rogers2005a, AUTHOR = {Rogers, Henry}, TITLE = {Writing Systems: A Linguistic Approach}, PUBLISHER = {Blackwell Publishing}, ADDRESS = {Malden, MA / Oxford, UK}, YEAR = {2005}, } @ARTICLE{ross1940a, AUTHOR = {Ross, Alan S.C.}, TITLE = {The Easter Island Tablet Atua-Mata-Riri}, JOURNAL = {Journal of the Polynesian Society}, YEAR = {1940}, VOLUME = {49}, NUMBER = {196}, PAGES = {556--563}, } @BOOK{routledge1919a, AUTHOR = {Routledge, Katherine}, TITLE = {The Mystery of Easter Island. The Story of an Expedition}, PUBLISHER = {Hazell, Watson and Viney, LD}, ADDRESS = {London and Aylesbury}, YEAR = {1919}, } @BOOK{sampson1985a, AUTHOR = {Sampson, Geoffrey}, TITLE = {Writing Systems: A Linguistic Introduction}, PUBLISHER = {Hutchinson \& Co}, ADDRESS = {London}, YEAR = {1985}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{schmandt-besserat1994a, AUTHOR = {Schmandt-Besserat, Denise}, EDITOR = {Watt, W.C.}, TITLE = {Forerunners of Writing: The Social Implications}, BOOKTITLE = {Writing Systems and Cognition: Perspectives from Psychology, Physiology, Linguistics, and Semiotics}, SERIES = {Neuropsychology and Cognition}, PUBLISHER = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, ADDRESS = {Dordrecht / Boston / London}, YEAR = {1994}, VOLUME = {6}, PAGES = {303--310}, } @ARTICLE{schoch2019a, AUTHOR = {Schoch, Robert M. and Melka, Tomi S.}, TITLE = {The mph{Raŋitoki} (Rangitoki) Bark-cloth Piece: A Newly Recognized mph{rongorongo} Fragment from Easter Island}, JOURNAL = {Asian and African Studies (Bratislava)}, YEAR = {2019}, VOLUME = {28}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {pp.~113--148 and 413--417}, } @UNPUBLISHED{schoch-2020b, AUTHOR = {Schoch, Robert M. and Melka, Tomi S.}, TITLE = {A ‘Sacred Amulet from Easter \mbox{Island---1885/6---':} Analyzing Enigmatic Glyphic Characters in the Context of the mph{rongorongo} Script}, YEAR = {2020}, NOTE = {Poster session presented on 17 June 2020 at the conference Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century (\url{https://grafematik2020.sciencesconf.org/}). 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Schoch & Tomi S. Melka (2020), “A “Sacred Amulet from Easter Island—1885/6—”. Analyzing Enigmatic Glyphic Characters in the Context of the rongorongo Script,” in Proceedings of Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, 2020 (Yannis Haralambous, Ed.), Grapholinguistics and Its Applications, Vol. 5, Brest: Fluxus Editions, 847–903.
@INPROCEEDINGS{gla5-scho, AUTHOR = {Robert M. Schoch and Tomi S. Melka}, EDITOR = {Haralambous, Yannis}, TITLE = {{A~“Sacred Amulet from Easter Island---1885/6---”. Analyzing Enigmatic Glyphic Characters in the Context of the \emph{rongorongo} Script}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, 2020}}, SERIES = {{Grapholinguistics and Its Applications}}, VOLUME = {5}, PUBLISHER = {Fluxus Editions}, ADDRESS = {Brest}, YEAR = {2020}, PAGES = {847--903}, DOI = {https://doi.org/10.36824/2020-graf-scho}, } |