ISSN: 2534-5192 (electronic) – 2681-8566 (print)

◀ K. DonnellyProceedingsC. Danet, D. Boutet†, P. Doan, C. S. Bianchini, A. Contesse, L. Chèvrefils, M. Rébulard, C. Thomas & J.-F. Dauphin ▶

ISBN: 978-2-9570549-7-8
e-ISBN: 978-2-9570549-9-2

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A Semantic Index for a Dongba Script Database
Duoduo Xu ORCID iD icon
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Abstract. Dongba script is a pictographic writing system still in use in South-West China. The Dongba dictionaries provide valuable resources and should be used in complete synergy to build up a character repertoire. A semantic index with the pictographic radicals, along with other kinds of indexes, is necessary for an ideographic writing system such as Dongba script, while the studies on Dongba radicals are at a preliminary stage. This semantic index also contributes to show that similar markers arose in a logographic system.


Chang, Qu [常璩] (1987). 华阳国志校补图注 [A Correction and Completion with Pictographic Annotation for Local Chronicles of South China]. Ed. by Ren Naiqiang [任乃强]. 上海 [Shanghai]: 上海古籍出版社 [Shanghai Guji Chubanshe].

Chao, Yuen-Ren (1968). Language and Symbolic Systems. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

DeFrancis, John (1984). The Chinese Language: Fact and Fantasy. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press.

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Gelb, Ignace (1952). A Study of Writing. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Guo, Pu [郭璞] (1999). 爾雅注疏 [Song Dynasty, Commentary and Subcommentary of Erya]. 北京 [Beijing]: 北京大学出版社 [Beijing University Press].

Handel, Zev (2017). “The Cognitive Role of Semantic Classifiers in Modern Chinese Writing as Reflected in Neogram Creation.” In: Seen, not Heard: Composition, Iconicity, and the Classifier Systems of Logosyllabic Scripts. Ed. by Ilona Zsolnay. to appear.

Haralambous, Yannis (2007). Fonts & Encodings. Sebastopol: O’Reilly.

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Jacques, Guillaume and Alexis Michaud (2011). “Approaching the historical phonology of three highly eroded Sino-Tibetan languages: Naxi, Na and Laze.” In: Diachronica 28, pp. 468–498.

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Mueggler, Erik (2011). The Paper Road: Archive and Experience in the Botanical Exploration of West China and Tibet. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

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Ramsey, Rovert (1987). The Languages of China. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Rock, Joseph (1963). A 1Na-2Khi-English Encyclopedic Dictionary (Part I). Rome: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente.

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   AUTHOR = {Chang, Qu},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   EDITOR = {Naiqiang, Ren},
   EDITOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 华阳国志校补图注} [A Correction and Completion with Pictographic Annotation for Local Chronicles of South China]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\schinese 上海古籍出版社} [Shanghai Guji Chubanshe]},
   ADDRESS = {{\schinese 上海} [Shanghai]},
   YEAR = {1987},

   AUTHOR = {Chao, Yuen-Ren},
   TITLE = {Language and Symbolic Systems},
   PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Cambridge, UK},
   YEAR = {1968},

   AUTHOR = {DeFrancis, John},
   TITLE = {The Chinese Language: Fact and Fantasy},
   PUBLISHER = {University of Hawai`i Press},
   ADDRESS = {Honolulu},
   YEAR = {1984},

   AUTHOR = {{Dongba Culture Research Institute}},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {东巴文化研究院},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 纳西东巴古籍译注全集} [An Annotated Collection of Naxi Dongba Manuscripts]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\schinese 云南人民出版社} [Yunnan Renmin Chubanshe]},
   ADDRESS = {{\schinese 昆明} [Kunming]},
   YEAR = {1999},

   AUTHOR = {Dragan, Janekovic},
   TITLE = {Na-si: srpski recnik [Nakhi-Serbian Dictionary]},
   PUBLISHER = {Narodna biblioteka Srbije [National Library of Serbia]},
   ADDRESS = {Beograd},
   YEAR = {2005},

   AUTHOR = {Fang, Guoyu and He, Zhiwu},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {方国瑜 and 和志武},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans;2=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 纳西象形文字谱} [A Dictionary of the Naxi Pictographic Writing]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\schinese 云南人民出版社} [Yunnan Renmin Chubanshe]},
   ADDRESS = {{\schinese 昆明} [Kunming]},
   YEAR = {1981},

   AUTHOR = {Fu, Maoji},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hant},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 纳西族图画文字和象形文字的区别} [The Difference between Pictograms and Hieroglyphs of the Naxi People]},
   JOURNAL = {{\schinese 民族语文} [National Language]},
   YEAR = {1982},
   VOLUME = {1},
   PAGES = {1--9},

   AUTHOR = {Gelb, Ignace},
   TITLE = {A Study of Writing},
   PUBLISHER = {The University of Chicago Press},
   ADDRESS = {Chicago},
   YEAR = {1952},

   AUTHOR = {Guo, Pu},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\‍tchinese 爾雅注疏} [Song Dynasty, Commentary and Subcommentary of Erya]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\schinese 北京大学出版社} [Beijing University Press]},
   ADDRESS = {{\schinese 北京} [Beijing]},
   YEAR = {1999},

   AUTHOR = {Handel, Zev},
   EDITOR = {Zsolnay, Ilona},
   TITLE = {The Cognitive Role of Semantic Classifiers in Modern Chinese Writing as Reflected in Neogram Creation},
   BOOKTITLE = {Seen, not Heard: Composition, Iconicity, and the Classifier Systems of Logosyllabic Scripts},
   YEAR = {2017},
   NOTE = {to appear},

   AUTHOR = {Haralambous, Yannis},
   TITLE = {Fonts \& Encodings},
   PUBLISHER = {O'Reilly},
   ADDRESS = {Sebastopol},
   YEAR = {2007},

   AUTHOR = {He, Jiren and Jiang, Zhuyi},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {和即仁 and 姜竹仪},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans;2=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 纳西语简志} [A Brief Description of the Naxi Language]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\schinese 民族出版社} [Minzu Chubanshe]},
   ADDRESS = {{\schinese 北京} [Beijing]},
   YEAR = {1985},

   AUTHOR = {He, Pinzheng},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\‍tchinese 东巴常用字典} [Naxi Dongba Pictographic Dictionary]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\schinese 云南美术出版社} [Yunnan Meishu Chubanshe]},
   ADDRESS = {{\schinese 昆明} [Kunming]},
   YEAR = {2004},

   AUTHOR = {He, Zhiwu},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 纳西族的象形文字和东巴经} [The Pictographic Writing and Dongba Scripture of the Naxi People]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\schinese 云南大学历史研究所} [Yunnan Daxue Lishi Yanjiusuo]},
   ADDRESS = {{\schinese 昆明} [Kunming]},
   YEAR = {1976},

   AUTHOR = {He, Zhiwu and Guo, Dalie},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {和志武 and 郭大烈},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans;2=zh-Hans},
   EDITOR = {Guo, Dalie and Yang, Shiguang},
   EDITOR_ORIGINAL = {郭大烈 and 杨世光},
   EDITOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 东巴教的派系和现状} [Branches of Dongbaism and Their Current Status]},
   BOOKTITLE = {{\schinese 东巴文化论集} [Collection of Papers on Dongba Culture]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\schinese 云南人民出版社} [Yunnan Renmin Chubanshe]},
   ADDRESS = {{\schinese 昆明} [Kunming]},
   YEAR = {1985},
   PAGES = {38--44},

   AUTHOR = {Howard, James},
   TITLE = {Dakota Winter Counts as a Source of Plains History.},
   JOURNAL = {Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin},
   YEAR = {1960},
   VOLUME = {173},
   NUMBER = {61},
   PAGES = {335--416},

   AUTHOR = {{Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences}},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {中科院语言研究所},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   BOOKTITLE = {{\schinese 新华字典} [New Chinese Character Dictionary]},
   EDITION = {11},
   PUBLISHER = {{\schinese 商务印书馆} [Commercial Press]},
   ADDRESS = {{\schinese 北京} [Beijing]},
   YEAR = {2010},

   AUTHOR = {Jacques, Guillaume and Michaud, Alexis},
   TITLE = {Approaching the historical phonology of three highly eroded Sino-Tibetan languages: Naxi, Na and Laze},
   JOURNAL = {Diachronica},
   YEAR = {2011},
   VOLUME = {28},
   PAGES = {468--498},

   AUTHOR = {Karlgen, Bernhard},
   TITLE = {The Early History of the Chou Li and Tso Chuan Texts},
   JOURNAL = {Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities},
   YEAR = {1931},
   VOLUME = {3},
   PAGES = {1--59},

   AUTHOR = {Kojima, Tomio},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {小島富美男},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=ja-Jpan},
   TITLE = {{\japanese 遊トンパ年賀} [Yu Tompa New Year]},
   YEAR = {2002--2004},
   URL = {},

   AUTHOR = {Li, Lifen},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 纳西东巴古籍与语言研究} [A Study on Naxi Dongba Scripture and Language]},
   JOURNAL = {Journal of Yunnan Institute for Nationalities},
   YEAR = {1997},
   VOLUME = {4},
   PAGES = {69--73},

   AUTHOR = {Li, Lincan and Zhang, Kun and He, Cai},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {李霖灿 and 张琨 and 和才},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans;2=zh-Hans;3=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 么些象形文字字典} [A Dictionary of Mo-So Hieroglyphics]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\schinese 文史哲出版社} [Wenshizhe Publishing House]},
   ADDRESS = {{\schinese 台北} [Taipei]},
   YEAR = {1972},

   AUTHOR = {Li, Lincan and Zhang, Kun and He, Cai},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {李霖灿 and 张琨 and 和才},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans;2=zh-Hans;3=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 纳西族象形标音文字字典} [Naxi Pictographic Symbols Dictionary]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\schinese 云南民族出版社} [Yunnan Minzu Chubanshe]},
   ADDRESS = {{\schinese 昆明} [Kunming]},
   YEAR = {2001},

   AUTHOR = {Liu, Chulong and Huang, Tengyu},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {刘楚龙 and 黄滕宇},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans;2=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 藏族支系木雅人历书解读} [A Preliminary Interpretation and Research on Muya Tibetan's Almanacs]},
   JOURNAL = {{\schinese 语言学研究} [Linguistic Research]},
   YEAR = {2013},
   VOLUME = {1},
   PAGES = {12--24},

   AUTHOR = {Mueggler, Erik},
   TITLE = {The Paper Road: Archive and Experience in the Botanical Exploration of West China and Tibet},
   PUBLISHER = {University of California Press},
   ADDRESS = {Berkeley, CA},
   YEAR = {2011},

   AUTHOR = {Needham, Joseph and Lu, Gwei-djen and Huang, Hsing-Tsung},
   TITLE = {Biology and Biological Technology. Part 1: Botany},
   SERIES = {Science and Civilisation in China},
   PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
   ADDRESS = {New York},
   YEAR = {1986},
   VOLUME = {6},

   AUTHOR = {Poupard, Duncan},
   TITLE = {Revitalising Naxi dongba as a `pictographic' vernacular script},
   JOURNAL = {Journal of Chinese Writing Systems},
   YEAR = {2019},
   VOLUME = {3},
   NUMBER = {1},
   PAGES = {53--67},

   AUTHOR = {Ramsey, Rovert},
   TITLE = {The Languages of China},
   PUBLISHER = {Princeton University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Princeton},
   YEAR = {1987},

   AUTHOR = {Rock, Joseph},
   TITLE = {A \up{1}Na-\up{2}Khi-English Encyclopedic Dictionary (Part I)},
   PUBLISHER = {Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente},
   ADDRESS = {Rome},
   YEAR = {1963},

   AUTHOR = {Rock, Joseph},
   TITLE = {A \up{1}Na-\up{2}Khi-English Encyclopedic Dictionary (Part II)},
   PUBLISHER = {Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente},
   ADDRESS = {Rome},
   YEAR = {1972},

   AUTHOR = {Song, Zhaolin},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 摩梭人的象形文字} [Hieroglyphic Writing of Mosuo People]},
   JOURNAL = {Southeast Culture},
   YEAR = {2003},
   VOLUME = {4},
   PAGES = {86--93},

   AUTHOR = {Song, Zhaolin},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 西南民族象形文字链探析} [A Study on the Pictographic Writing Chain of the Ethnic Groups in South West China]},
   JOURNAL = {{\schinese 民族艺术} [National Art]},
   YEAR = {2010},
   VOLUME = {3},
   PAGES = {31--35},

   AUTHOR = {Sun, Hongkai},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 尔苏沙巴图画文字} [Pictographic Writing of Ersu Shaba]},
   JOURNAL = {{\schinese 民族语文} [National Language]},
   YEAR = {1982},
   VOLUME = {6},
   PAGES = {44--49},

   AUTHOR = {Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert},
   TITLE = {Beginnings of Writing in Central and Eastern Asia, or Notes on 450 Embryo-Writings and Scripts},
   PUBLISHER = {Nutt},
   ADDRESS = {London},
   YEAR = {1894},

   AUTHOR = {Wang, Dehe and Wang, Xuan},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {王德和 and 王轩},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans;2=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 尔苏沙巴文历书中虎推地球图} [The Figure of the Tiger Pushing the Earth in the Ersu People's Hemerology Written in Shaba Script]},
   JOURNAL = {{\schinese 中国藏学}, [Chinese Tibetology]},
   YEAR = {2013},
   VOLUME = {4},
   PAGES = {148--155},

   AUTHOR = {Wang, Yuanlu},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 汉古文字与纳西东巴文字比较研究} [A Comparative Study of Ancient Chinese Characters and Naxi Dongba Glyphs]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\schinese 华东师范大学出版社} [Huadong Shifan Daxue Chubanshe]},
   ADDRESS = {{\schinese 上海} [Shanghai]},
   YEAR = {1988},

   AUTHOR = {Wilkinson, Endymion},
   TITLE = {Chinese History: A New Manual},
   PUBLISHER = {Harvard University Asia Center},
   ADDRESS = {Cambridge (MA},
   YEAR = {2013},

   AUTHOR = {Woon, Wee Lee},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\‍tchinese 漢字的原始和演變} [Chinese Writing: Its Origin and Evolution]},
   PUBLISHER = {University of East Asia},
   ADDRESS = {Macau},
   YEAR = {1987},

   AUTHOR = {Xu, Duoduo},
   TITLE = {From Daba Script to Dongba Script: A Diachronic Exploration of the History of Moso Pictographic Writings},
   JOURNAL = {Libellarium: Journal for the Research of Writing, Books, and Cultural Heritage Institutions},
   YEAR = {2017},
   VOLUME = {10},
   NUMBER = {1},
   PAGES = {1--47},

   AUTHOR = {Xu, Duoduo},
   TITLE = {Phonemic and Tonal Analysis of Youmi Ruke},
   JOURNAL = {Annals of the University of Craiova - Series Philology~/ Linguistics},
   YEAR = {2017},
   VOLUME = {39},
   PAGES = {239--251},

   AUTHOR = {Yu, Suisheng},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 纳西东巴文研究丛稿} [Miscellaneous Researches on Naxi Dongba Culture]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\schinese 巴蜀出版社} [Bashu Shushe]},
   ADDRESS = {{\schinese 成都} [Chengdu]},
   YEAR = {2003},

   AUTHOR = {Yu, Suisheng},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 纳西东巴文研究丛稿二} [Miscellaneous Researches on Naxi Dongba Culture (II)]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\schinese 巴蜀出版社} [Bashu Shushe]},
   ADDRESS = {{\schinese 成都} [Chengdu]},
   YEAR = {2008},

   AUTHOR = {Yu, Suisheng},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 纳西东巴文献学纲要} [Outline of the Bibliography of Naxi Dongba Literature]},
   JOURNAL = {{\schinese 历史文献研究} [Historical Document Research]},
   YEAR = {2009},
   VOLUME = {28},
   PAGES = {12--21},

   AUTHOR = {Zamblera, Stefano},
   TITLE = {Naxi Dongba: Naxi People Culture and Dongba Tradition},
   YEAR = {2009},
   URL = {},

   AUTHOR = {Zamblera, Stefano},
   TITLE = {A Dongba Pictographs Dictionary with Iconographic Index Plates},
   PUBLISHER = {},
   ADDRESS = {Morrisville, NC},
   YEAR = {2018},

   AUTHOR = {Zhao, Liming},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 从宗教走向世俗、从原始走向成熟〜从白地、油米、宝山东巴文书等看东巴文的两大突破} [From Religious to Secular, From Primitive to Mature---Two Breakthroughs of Dongba Script Evidenced in Baidi, Youmi, and Baoshan Data]},
   JOURNAL = {Linguistic Research},
   YEAR = {2013},
   VOLUME = {1},
   PAGES = {68--86},

   AUTHOR = {Zhao, Liming},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 珞巴族象形符号} [Pictographic Symbols of Lhoba People]},
   JOURNAL = {{\schinese 中国社会语言学} [Chinese Sociolinguistics]},
   YEAR = {2014},
   VOLUME = {23},
   NUMBER = {2},
   PAGES = {66--72},

   AUTHOR = {Zhao, Liming and Song, Zhaolin},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {赵丽明 and 宋兆麟},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans;2=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 中国西南濒危文字图录} [Catalog of the Endangered Scripts in Southwest China]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\schinese 学苑出版社} [Academy Press]},
   ADDRESS = {{\schinese 北京} [Beijing]},
   YEAR = {2011},

   AUTHOR = {Zhou, Youguang},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=zh-Hans},
   TITLE = {{\schinese 纳西文字中的《六书》} [The “Liushu” Theory in the Writing System of Naxi People]},
   JOURNAL = {{\schinese 民族语文} [Minority Languages of China]},
   YEAR = {1994},
   VOLUME = {6},
   PAGES = {12--19},

Duoduo Xu (2020), “A Semantic Index for a Dongba Script Database,” in Proceedings of Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, 2020 (Yannis Haralambous, Ed.), Grapholinguistics and Its Applications, Vol. 5, Brest: Fluxus Editions, 985–1006.

   AUTHOR = {Duoduo Xu},
   EDITOR = {Haralambous, Yannis},
   TITLE = {{A~Semantic Index for a Dongba Script Database}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, 2020}},
   SERIES = {{Grapholinguistics and Its Applications}},
   VOLUME = {5},
   PUBLISHER = {Fluxus Editions},
   ADDRESS = {Brest},
   YEAR = {2020},
   PAGES = {985--1006},
   DOI = {},