ISSN: 2534-5192 (electronic) – 2681-8566 (print)

◀ C. KettanehProceedingsK. Honda ▶

ISBN: 978-2-9570549-7-8
e-ISBN: 978-2-9570549-9-2

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Constructing Databases of Japanese Three- and Four-Kanji Compound Words. Some Observations Concerning Their Morphological Structures
Terry Joyce ORCID iD icon & Hisashi Masuda ORCID iD icon
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Abstract. As the principal component of the multiple script Japanese writing system (JWS), morphographic kanji function as the core units of graphematic representation for a considerable proportion of the Japanese lexicon [joyce2018a,joyce2019a,joyce2014a,kobayashi2016a,nomura1975a,nomura1988a]. Deeply entwined with the morphographic nature of Japanese kanji (Joyce, 2011), the Japanese language offers especially fascinating opportunities for both linguistic and psycholinguistic investigations of compound words [joyce2002a,joyce2004a,masuda2018a]. As contributions to the ongoing construction of a larger database project of Japanese lexical properties [joyce2014a,joyce2017a], which aims to facilitate such investigations in terms of experimental designs and stimuli preparation, this paper reports on two new database components for three-kanji (3KCWs) and four-kanji compound words (4KCWs) respectively. More specifically, the paper focuses on the results of analyzing their morphological structures. In contrast to 3KCWs, where the dominant morphological structure is attaching suffixes to existing two-kanji compound words (2KCWs), such as 可能性 /ka-nō-sei/ potentiality; possibility [[can + ability = possible; potential] + nature; -ity ending], for 4KCWs, the dominant structure is compounding with two 2KCWs combined, such as 自分自身 /ji-bun-ji-shin/ oneself [[oneself + one’s lot = oneself] + [oneself + someone = oneself]].


Agency for Cultural Affairs [文化庁] (2010). “常用漢字表 [Jōyō kanji list].” In: url:

Backhouse, A.E. (1984). “Aspects of the graphological structure of Japanese.” In: Visible Language 18.3, pp. 219–228.

Igarashi, Yuko (2007). “The changing role of katakana in the Japanese writing system: Processing and pedagogical dimensions for native speakers and foreign learners.” PhD thesis. University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Joyce, Terry (2002). “Constituent-morpheme priming: Implications from the morphology of two-kanji compound words.” In: Japanese Psychological Research 44, pp. 79–90.

_____________ (2004). “Modeling the Japanese mental lexicon: Morphological, orthographic and phonological considerations.” In: Advances in Psychological Research: Volume. Ed. by S.P. Shohov. Vol. 31. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, pp. 27–61.

_____________ (2011). “The significance of the morphographic principle for the classification of writing-systems.” In: Written Language & Literacy 14.1, pp. 58–81.

Joyce, Terry, Bor Hodošček, and Hisashi Masuda (2017). “Constructing an ontology and database of Japanese lexical properties: Handling the orthographic complexity.” In: Written Language & Literacy 20.1, pp. 27–51.

Joyce, Terry, Bor Hodošček, and Kikuko Nishina (2012). “Orthographic representation and variation within the Japanese writing system: Some corpus-based observations.” In: Written Language & Literacy 15.2, pp. 254–278.

Joyce, Terry and Hisashi Masuda (2018). “Introduction to the multi-script Japanese writing system and word processing.” In: Writing systems, reading processes, and cross-linguistic influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages. Ed. by Hye Pae. Vol. 7. Bilingual Processing and Acquisition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 179–199.

_____________ (2019). “On the notions of graphematic representation and orthography from the perspective of the Japanese writing system.” In: Written Language & Literacy 22.2, pp. 248–280.

Joyce, Terry, Hisashi Masuda, and Taeko Ogawa (2014). “Jōyō kanji as core building blocks of the Japanese writing system: Some observations from database construction.” In: Written Language & Literacy 17.2, pp. 173–194.

Kageyama, Taro and Michiaki Saito (2016). “Vocabulary strata and word formation processes.” In: Handbook of Japanese lexicon and word formation. Ed. by Taro Kageyama and Hideki Kishimoto. Vol. 3. Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics. Boston, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 11–50.

Kess, Joseph F. and Tadao Miyamoto (1999). The Japanese mental lexicon: Psycholinguistics studies of kana and kanji processing. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Kobayashi, Hideki, Kiyo Yamashita, and Taro Kageyama (2016). “Sino-Japanese words.” In: Handbook of Japanese lexicon and word formation. Ed. by Taro Kageyama and Hideki Kishimoto. Vol. 3. Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics. Boston, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 93–131.

Konno, Shinji [今野真二] (2013). 正書法のない日本語 [The Japanese language lacks orthography]. 東京 [Tokyo]: 岩波書店 [Iwanami Shoten].

Lurie, David B. (2012). “The development of writing in Japan.” In: The shape of script: How and why writing systems change. Ed. by S.D. Houston. Santa Fe, NM: School for Advanced Research Press, pp. 159–185.

Maekawa, Kikuo et al. (2013). “Balanced corpus of contemporary written Japanese.” In: Language Resources and Evaluation, pp. 1–27.

Masuda, Hisashi and Terry Joyce (2005). “A database of two-kanji compound words featuring morphological family, morphological structure, and semantic category data.” In: Corpus Studies on Japanese Kanji. Ed. by Katsuo Tamaoka. Vol. 10. Glottometrics. Tokyo, Japan: Hituzi Syobo, Lüdenschied, Germany: RAM-Verlag, pp. 30–44.

_____________ (2018). “Constituent-priming investigations of the morphological activation of Japanese compound words.” In: Writing systems, reading processes, and cross-linguistic influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages. Ed. by Hye Pae. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 221–244.

_____________ (2019). “A database of three-kanji compound words in Japanese, with particular focus on their morphological structures.” Poster presentation given as the ‘Diversity of writing systems: Embracing multiple perspectives’, 12th International Workshop on Written Language and Literacy, Faculty of Classics, Cambridge University, UK.

Masuda, Hisashi, Terry Joyce, et al. (2014). “A database of semantic transparency ratings for two-kanji Japanese compound words.” Poster presentation given at ‘Orthographic Databases and Lexicons’: 9th International Workshop on Writing Systems and Literacy, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.

Miller, Laura (2011). “Subversive script and novel graphs in Japanese girls’ culture.” In: Language & Communication 31.1, pp. 16–26.

Nomura, Masaaki [野村雅昭] (1975). “四字漢語の構造 [The structure of four-kanji Sino-Japanese words].” In: 電子計算機による国語研究 [Studies in Computational Linguistics] 7, pp. 36–80.

_____________ (1988). “二字漢語の構造 [The structure of two-kanji Sino-Japanese words].” In: 日本語学 [Japanese Studies] 7.5, pp. 44–55.

Robertson, Wesley C. (2015). “Orthography, foreigners, and fluency: Indexicality and script selection in Japanese manga.” In: Japanese Studies 35.2, pp. 205–222.

_____________ (2017). “He’s more katakana than kanji: Indexing identity and self-presentation through script selection in Japanese manga (comics).” In: Journal of Sociolinguistics 21.4, pp. 497–520.

Shibatani, Masayoshi (1990). The Languages of Japan. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Shinmura, Izuru [新村出], ed. (1995). 広辞苑 [Japanese dictionary]. 5th ed. 東京 [Tokyo]: 岩波書店 [Iwanami Shoten].

_____________ ed. (2008). 広辞苑 [Japanese dictionary]. 6th ed. 東京 [Tokyo]: 岩波書店 [Iwanami Shoten].

Smith, Janet S. (Shibamoto) (1996). “Japanese writing.” In: The world’s writing systems. Ed. by Peter T. Daniels and William Bright. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 209–217.

Smith, Janet S. (Shibamoto) and David L. Schmidt (1996). “Variability in written Japanese: Towards a sociolinguistics of script choice.” In: Visible Language 30.1, pp. 47–71.

Tamamura, Fumio [玉村文郎] (1984). 日本語教育指導参考書12: 語彙の研究と教育(上) [Japanese language education reference guides 12: Lexical research and education 1]]. 東京 [Tokyo]: 大蔵省印刷局 [Ookurashou Insatsukyoku].

_____________ (1985). 日本語教育指導参考書13: 語彙の研究と教育(下) [Japanese language education reference guides 13: Lexical research and education 2]]. 東京 [Tokyo]: 大蔵省印刷局 [Ookurashou Insatsukyoku].

Taylor, Insup and M. Martin Taylor (2014). Writing and literacy in Chinese, Korean and Japanese. Vol. 14. Studies in Written Language and Literacy. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Tranter, Nicolas (2008). “Nonconventional script choice in Japan.” In: International Journal of the Sociology of Language 192, pp. 133–151.

   AUTHOR = {{Agency for Cultural Affairs}},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=ja-Jpan},
   TITLE = {{\japanese 常用漢字表} [Jōyō kanji list]},
   YEAR = {2010},
   URL = {},

   AUTHOR = {Backhouse, A.E.},
   TITLE = {Aspects of the graphological structure of Japanese},
   JOURNAL = {Visible Language},
   YEAR = {1984},
   VOLUME = {18},
   NUMBER = {3},
   PAGES = {219--228},

   AUTHOR = {Igarashi, Yuko},
   TITLE = {The changing role of katakana in the Japanese writing system: Processing and pedagogical dimensions for native speakers and foreign learners},
   SCHOOL = {University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada},
   YEAR = {2007},

   AUTHOR = {Joyce, Terry},
   TITLE = {Constituent-morpheme priming: Implications from the morphology of two-kanji compound words},
   JOURNAL = {Japanese Psychological Research},
   YEAR = {2002},
   VOLUME = {44},
   PAGES = {79--90},

   AUTHOR = {Joyce, Terry},
   EDITOR = {Shohov, S.P.},
   TITLE = {Modeling the Japanese mental lexicon: Morphological, orthographic and phonological considerations},
   BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Psychological Research: Volume},
   PUBLISHER = {Nova Science},
   ADDRESS = {Hauppauge, NY},
   YEAR = {2004},
   VOLUME = {31},
   PAGES = {27--61},

   AUTHOR = {Joyce, Terry},
   TITLE = {The significance of the morphographic principle for the classification of writing-systems},
   JOURNAL = {Written Language \& Literacy},
   YEAR = {2011},
   VOLUME = {14},
   NUMBER = {1},
   PAGES = {58--81},

   AUTHOR = {Joyce, Terry and Hodošček, Bor and Masuda, Hisashi},
   TITLE = {Constructing an ontology and database of Japanese lexical properties: Handling the orthographic complexity},
   JOURNAL = {Written Language \& Literacy},
   YEAR = {2017},
   VOLUME = {20},
   NUMBER = {1},
   PAGES = {27--51},

   AUTHOR = {Joyce, Terry and Hodošček, Bor and Nishina, Kikuko},
   TITLE = {{Orthographic representation and variation within the Japanese writing system: Some corpus-based observations}},
   JOURNAL = {Written Language \& Literacy},
   YEAR = {2012},
   VOLUME = {15},
   NUMBER = {2},
   PAGES = {254--278},

   AUTHOR = {Joyce, Terry and Masuda, Hisashi},
   EDITOR = {Pae, Hye},
   TITLE = {Introduction to the multi-script Japanese writing system and word processing},
   BOOKTITLE = {Writing systems, reading processes, and cross-linguistic influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages},
   SERIES = {Bilingual Processing and Acquisition},
   PUBLISHER = {John Benjamins},
   ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
   YEAR = {2018},
   VOLUME = {7},
   PAGES = {179--199},

   AUTHOR = {Joyce, Terry and Masuda, Hisashi},
   TITLE = {On the notions of graphematic representation and orthography from the perspective of the Japanese writing system},
   JOURNAL = {Written Language \& Literacy},
   YEAR = {2019},
   VOLUME = {22},
   NUMBER = {2},
   PAGES = {248--280},

   AUTHOR = {Joyce, Terry and Masuda, Hisashi and Ogawa, Taeko},
   TITLE = {Jōyō kanji as core building blocks of the Japanese writing system: Some observations from database construction},
   JOURNAL = {Written Language \& Literacy},
   YEAR = {2014},
   VOLUME = {17},
   NUMBER = {2},
   PAGES = {173--194},

   AUTHOR = {Kageyama, Taro and Saito, Michiaki},
   EDITOR = {Kageyama, Taro and Kishimoto, Hideki},
   TITLE = {Vocabulary strata and word formation processes},
   BOOKTITLE = {Handbook of Japanese lexicon and word formation},
   SERIES = {Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics},
   PUBLISHER = {Walter de Gruyter},
   ADDRESS = {Boston, Berlin},
   YEAR = {2016},
   VOLUME = {3},
   PAGES = {11--50},

   AUTHOR = {Kess, Joseph F. and Miyamoto, Tadao},
   TITLE = {The Japanese mental lexicon: Psycholinguistics studies of kana and kanji processing},
   PUBLISHER = {John Benjamins},
   ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
   YEAR = {1999},

   AUTHOR = {Kobayashi, Hideki and Yamashita, Kiyo and Kageyama, Taro},
   EDITOR = {Kageyama, Taro and Kishimoto, Hideki},
   TITLE = {Sino-Japanese words},
   BOOKTITLE = {Handbook of Japanese lexicon and word formation},
   SERIES = {Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics},
   PUBLISHER = {Walter de Gruyter},
   ADDRESS = {Boston, Berlin},
   YEAR = {2016},
   VOLUME = {3},
   PAGES = {93--131},

   AUTHOR = {Konno, Shinji},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {今野真二},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=ja-Jpan},
   TITLE = {{\japanese 正書法のない日本語} [The Japanese language lacks orthography]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\japanese 岩波書店} [Iwanami Shoten]},
   ADDRESS = {{\japanese 東京} [Tokyo]},
   YEAR = {2013},

   AUTHOR = {Lurie, David B.},
   EDITOR = {Houston, S.D.},
   TITLE = {The development of writing in Japan},
   BOOKTITLE = {The shape of script: How and why writing systems change},
   PUBLISHER = {School for Advanced Research Press},
   ADDRESS = {Santa Fe, NM},
   YEAR = {2012},
   PAGES = {159--185},

   AUTHOR = {Maekawa, Kikuo and Yamazaki, Makoto and Ogiso, Toshinobu and Maruyama, Takeiko and Ogura, Hideki and Kashino, Wakako and Koiso, Hanae and Yamaguchi, Masaya and Den, Yasuharu},
   TITLE = {Balanced corpus of contemporary written Japanese},
   JOURNAL = {Language Resources and Evaluation},
   YEAR = {2013},
   PAGES = {1--27},

   AUTHOR = {Masuda, Hisashi and Joyce, Terry},
   EDITOR = {Tamaoka, Katsuo},
   TITLE = {A database of two-kanji compound words featuring morphological family, morphological structure, and semantic category data},
   BOOKTITLE = {Corpus Studies on Japanese Kanji},
   SERIES = {Glottometrics},
   PUBLISHER = {Hituzi Syobo, Lüdenschied, Germany: RAM-Verlag},
   ADDRESS = {Tokyo, Japan},
   YEAR = {2005},
   VOLUME = {10},
   PAGES = {30--44},

   AUTHOR = {Masuda, Hisashi and Joyce, Terry},
   EDITOR = {Pae, Hye},
   TITLE = {Constituent-priming investigations of the morphological activation of Japanese compound words},
   BOOKTITLE = {Writing systems, reading processes, and cross-linguistic influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages},
   PUBLISHER = {John Benjamins},
   ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
   YEAR = {2018},
   PAGES = {221--244},

   AUTHOR = {Masuda, Hisashi and Joyce, Terry},
   TITLE = {A database of three-kanji compound words in Japanese, with particular focus on their morphological structures},
   YEAR = {2019},
   NOTE = {Poster presentation given as the mph{`Diversity of writing systems: Embracing multiple perspectives', 12th International Workshop on Written Language and Literacy}, Faculty of Classics, Cambridge University, UK},

   AUTHOR = {Masuda, Hisashi and Joyce, Terry and Ogawa, Taeko and Kawakami, Masahiro and Fujita, Chikako},
   TITLE = {A database of semantic transparency ratings for two-kanji Japanese compound words},
   YEAR = {2014},
   NOTE = {Poster presentation given at mph{`Orthographic Databases and Lexicons': 9th International Workshop on Writing Systems and Literacy}, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK},

   AUTHOR = {Miller, Laura},
   TITLE = {Subversive script and novel graphs in Japanese girls' culture},
   JOURNAL = {Language \& Communication},
   YEAR = {2011},
   VOLUME = {31},
   NUMBER = {1},
   PAGES = {16--26},

   AUTHOR = {Nomura, Masaaki},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {野村雅昭},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=ja-Jpan},
   TITLE = {{\japanese 四字漢語の構造} [The structure of four-kanji Sino-Japanese words]},
   JOURNAL = {{\japanese 電子計算機による国語研究} [Studies in Computational Linguistics]},
   YEAR = {1975},
   VOLUME = {7},
   PAGES = {36--80},

   AUTHOR = {Nomura, Masaaki},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {野村雅昭},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=ja-Jpan},
   TITLE = {{\japanese 二字漢語の構造} [The structure of two-kanji Sino-Japanese words]},
   JOURNAL = {{\japanese 日本語学} [Japanese Studies]},
   YEAR = {1988},
   VOLUME = {7},
   NUMBER = {5},
   PAGES = {44--55},

   AUTHOR = {Robertson, Wesley C.},
   TITLE = {Orthography, foreigners, and fluency: Indexicality and script selection in Japanese manga},
   JOURNAL = {Japanese Studies},
   YEAR = {2015},
   VOLUME = {35},
   NUMBER = {2},
   PAGES = {205--222},

   AUTHOR = {Robertson, Wesley C.},
   TITLE = {He's more katakana than kanji: Indexing identity and self-presentation through script selection in Japanese manga (comics)},
   JOURNAL = {Journal of Sociolinguistics},
   YEAR = {2017},
   VOLUME = {21},
   NUMBER = {4},
   PAGES = {497--520},

   AUTHOR = {Shibatani, Masayoshi},
   TITLE = {The Languages of Japan},
   PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
   ADDRESS = {Cambridge, UK},
   YEAR = {1990},

   EDITOR = {Shinmura, Izuru},
   EDITOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=ja-Jpan},
   TITLE = {{\japanese 広辞苑} [Japanese dictionary]},
   EDITION = {5},
   PUBLISHER = {{\japanese 岩波書店} [Iwanami Shoten]},
   ADDRESS = {{\japanese 東京} [Tokyo]},
   YEAR = {1995},

   EDITOR = {Shinmura, Izuru},
   EDITOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=ja-Jpan},
   TITLE = {{\japanese 広辞苑} [Japanese dictionary]},
   EDITION = {6},
   PUBLISHER = {{\japanese 岩波書店} [Iwanami Shoten]},
   ADDRESS = {{\japanese 東京} [Tokyo]},
   YEAR = {2008},

   AUTHOR = {Smith, Janet S. (Shibamoto)},
   EDITOR = {Daniels, Peter T. and Bright, William},
   TITLE = {Japanese writing},
   BOOKTITLE = {The world's writing systems},
   PUBLISHER = {Oxford University Press},
   ADDRESS = {New York},
   YEAR = {1996},
   PAGES = {209--217},

   AUTHOR = {Smith, Janet S. (Shibamoto) and Schmidt, David L.},
   TITLE = {Variability in written Japanese: Towards a sociolinguistics of script choice},
   JOURNAL = {Visible Language},
   YEAR = {1996},
   VOLUME = {30},
   NUMBER = {1},
   PAGES = {47--71},

   AUTHOR = {Tamamura, Fumio},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {玉村文郎},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=ja-Jpan},
   TITLE = {{\japanese 日本語教育指導参考書12: 語彙の研究と教育(上)} [Japanese language education reference guides 12: Lexical research and education 1]]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\japanese 大蔵省印刷局} [Ookurashou Insatsukyoku]},
   ADDRESS = {{\japanese 東京} [Tokyo]},
   YEAR = {1984},

   AUTHOR = {Tamamura, Fumio},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL = {玉村文郎},
   AUTHOR_ORIGINAL+AN = {1=ja-Jpan},
   TITLE = {{\japanese 日本語教育指導参考書13: 語彙の研究と教育(下)} [Japanese language education reference guides 13: Lexical research and education 2]]},
   PUBLISHER = {{\japanese 大蔵省印刷局} [Ookurashou Insatsukyoku]},
   ADDRESS = {{\japanese 東京} [Tokyo]},
   YEAR = {1985},

   AUTHOR = {Taylor, Insup and Taylor, M.~Martin},
   TITLE = {Writing and literacy in Chinese, Korean and Japanese},
   SERIES = {Studies in Written Language and Literacy},
   PUBLISHER = {John Benjamins},
   ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
   YEAR = {2014},
   VOLUME = {14},

   AUTHOR = {Tranter, Nicolas},
   TITLE = {Nonconventional script choice in Japan},
   JOURNAL = {International Journal of the Sociology of Language},
   YEAR = {2008},
   VOLUME = {192},
   PAGES = {133--151},

Terry Joyce & Hisashi Masuda (2020), “Constructing Databases of Japanese Three- and Four-Kanji Compound Words. Some Observations Concerning Their Morphological Structures,” in Proceedings of Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, 2020 (Yannis Haralambous, Ed.), Grapholinguistics and Its Applications, Vol. 5, Brest: Fluxus Editions, 579–619.

   AUTHOR = {Terry Joyce and Hisashi Masuda},
   EDITOR = {Haralambous, Yannis},
   TITLE = {{Constructing Databases of Japanese Three- and Four-Kanji Compound Words. Some Observations Concerning Their Morphological Structures}},
   BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, 2020}},
   SERIES = {{Grapholinguistics and Its Applications}},
   VOLUME = {5},
   PUBLISHER = {Fluxus Editions},
   ADDRESS = {Brest},
   YEAR = {2020},
   PAGES = {579--619},
   DOI = {},